In addition to our services in agricultural field trials, biometrics and data management and research and development, U.A.S. offers consulting in agricultural and environmental areas. This includes:
- Consulting on soil protection (e.g. erosion and soil compacting)
- Determination services:
- phythopathological diagnostics (partly in cooperation)
- miscellaneous invertebrates (partly in cooperation)
- other determination services (crop pests, arable weeds, KULAP L4/species-rich grasslands)
Infestation prognoses of pests and agro-meterology(using licensed software)
Consulting on Cross-Compliance (CC) in all relevant areas(U.A.S. GmbH is one of the CC-consultancies approved by the TMLNU)
- Consulting on KULAP in Thuringia
U.A.S. does not do consulting on arable farming problems (panning of crop growing, variety selection, fertilization and plant protection management, cropping technologies). If you are interested therin, we recommend to contact these agricultural consultors:
Dr. agr. Thomas Werner JenaBios GmbH Orlaweg 2 D-07743 Jena Tel.: 03641/ 4703691 E-Mail: |
Dipl.-Ing. agr. Ulrich Bilda Landwirtschaftliche Beratung Steinwitz Nr. 30 D-04600 Altenburg Tel.: 03447 502220 E-Mail: |